There are many types of handbags, and now most of them are square-bottomed handbags with relatively standardized shapes on the market. In the production of handbags, the offset printing process is usually used for printing. The production process is relatively simple. Normally, it is produced after printing. Some appropriate changes can also be made to such a process, which may have better results, reduce losses, improve efficiency and reduce use costs.
Some handbag manufacturers usually use the molded version for repeated use. When the handbag is made, the precision of the size is not high. According to the characteristics of handbags, handbag manufacturers first make accurate statistics on the length, width, and height of the paper bags, classify and number them according to the different heights of the handbags, and make a molded version.
The second is to improve the molding method. Thick cardboard is used instead of the creasing line. The creasing process of making handbags does not require the creasing line to cooperate with the steel wire. Thick cardboard is used instead of the creasing line. This way the fold has a certain depth, and there will be no line running problems when folding.
Want to have better results when folding handbags. You need to pay attention to the following points:
1. The thickness of the pad paper must be thick enough.
2. Before molding, fold the teeth on the pad to make groove marks.
3. Fold along the thread of the paper so that the molding pressure is not so great.