The paper bag is not only a tool for placing items and conveying information. Handbag printing shows that companies and merchants attach great importance to it, reflecting the corporate culture. It can also show the future development trend of goods, with the effect of advertising, from handbags to handbag printing to applications, providing consumers with portable services, and promoting enterprises and products. So what are the benefits of using handbags? Next, the Ningbo paper bag production factory will explain to you the three core advantages of portable paper bag packaging products.
1. To replace plastic bags with hand-held paper bags is beneficial to the protection of the environment. Hand-held paper bags can be recycled for the second time. Plastic bags are not. Therefore, the use of hand-held paper bags is also in response to the call of the country.
2. There will be harmful substances in plastic products during use, especially when plastic bags are used to hold hot food, they will emit a pungent smell. If you use paper bags, this problem will not occur, so now Most of the food industries are using paper bags, and it is safer to store food with hand-held paper bags.
3. The portable paper bags look more atmospheric. If you go shopping in high-end shopping malls, they are all used portable paper bags, and you will feel very tall when you look at it.
The above is the reason why the paper bag is becoming more and more popular. The design of the paper bag is usually dominated by the company’s logo and company name, or coupled with the company’s business philosophy. The design does not need to be too complicated to deepen the customer’s impression. Obtain better publicity effect, establish brand image, and stimulate consumers’ desire to buy.