Usually, what you need to know about custom-made paper bags is the quantity, size, material and craftsmanship. As long as these can be understood clearly, the manufacturer can quote the customer. It needs to be explained here that for the sake of customers, the factory-made paper bags should not be less than 5,000. It is recommended that customers produce in batches. Small quantities are not cost-effective.
Many customers have no idea about the size. If the paper bag is around, you can measure the length, width and height of the paper bag. The length, width and height here need to be the maximum value of the paper bag. If some customers do not have samples, they can tell the customer service staff what they are used to pack, and they will calculate the size of the paper bag based on the items it packs.
The materials of paper bags are generally white cardboard, coated paper and kraft paper. If you don’t have high requirements for printing, you can choose white cardboard. If you want a good printing effect, you can choose coated paper. If the customer wants thicker paper, but too thick paper will easily burst, so when choosing coated paper, It is best to choose paper less than 200 grams. Kraft paper has a higher load-bearing capacity. If you want to install some heavier items, kraft paper is a good choice.
Printing is usually divided into single-color printing, two-color printing, and four-color printing. This is also easy to understand. Normally more than two colors are four-color printing. If there are special colors, if you need to use color tones other than black, magenta, cyan, and yellow, we call it spot color printing. Of course, customers do not have a deep understanding of these, and usually take photos or send samples. If there is no sample, you can inform the customer service staff of your needs, and we will make a high-quality paper bag plan for you.