Ningbo Paper Bag Factory has been specialized in the packaging industry for many years and has rich experience in the industry. There are countless handbags made. In the long-term practice, we have also summarized some skills. Today we will share with you the handbags. How to remove the scratches?
We have also seen manufacturers make handbags, sometimes because of the machine, in the final process of the finished product, the indentation will wipe the printed matter after the peritoneum. Although it does not look very serious, it is not the wipe of the ink. Flowers, but the dumb film is scratched, it looks like it will affect the beauty of the entire handbag. Although it is not obvious, you can still see it when you look closely. For some customers with higher requirements, this matter will become more complicated. Rework or reprinting is more troublesome. This is the lesson drawn from the experience of our printing plant for many years.
Now I finally found a good way to remove the scratches, but this method is only for some handbags where the scratches are not very obvious.
First of all, we need to use a clean cloth, just dip a little alcohol, and then gently wipe it, and then wipe it with a dry cloth. This situation can solve this problem, and for those scratches that are too deep, it cannot be saved.
The above is the introduction of how to remove the scratches of the handbag. I hope it can be helpful to everyone. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.